Bread has always been a symbol and cornerstone of nutrition in Sardinia.
Behind the world of bread there was a very precise and defined ritual: if it burned it was an ominous sign, if it spilled in the oven it announced a misfortune, if it fell to the ground, it had to be picked up and kissed and, as a bringer of prosperity, it was also hung in the sheepfold to propitiate a good year.

Carasau bread is a typical Nuorese and Campidano bread also called music paper, precisely because once upon a time the bread discs were rolled up like sheets of musical scores, lasted a long time and were easy and light to transport. In other parts of Sardinia it is also called Pane Pistoccu (a little more often), it is a bread born from the needs of shepherds who were absent from home for long months and who therefore needed bread that could be preserved unchanged for a long time. It is made up of paper-thin sheets, a lot
crunchy, ideal for dipping in broth, milk, coffee, or seasoning the so-called guttiau bread with simple olive oil.

Su Laore-foto carasau con olio

The dough is very similar to classic bread dough, it is prepared with semolina, flour and water
and yeast and is baked in the oven twice. After the first cooking, the cold discs are put back in the oven a second time, to make them crunchy: "carasare" in fact means to biscuit.
There are also many traditions linked to carasatu bread and Sardinia.

For example, when preparing the matrix for bread, before letting it rest a day before kneading it, it was common practice to draw the sign of the cross as a sign of good luck.
Or throw a handful of salt into the oven both at the beginning of making the bread and during, especially during the first baking. These are just some of the countless customs and traditions that link our land to our most important and representative food.




Our carasau bread is a simple and genuine product obtained from natural ingredients:
durum wheat flour, water, brewer's yeast and salt..
It does not contain any type of preservative, has a long shelf life and is completely
Made in Sardinia – Italy.

Our 250 g packs are ideal for daily consumption. They are distributed in the retail sector:
traditional and large-scale retail outlets such as Auchan and Metro.
For the Ho.Re.Ca sector, weights and packages suitable for different needs are available.

Su Laore-carasau-pack